Welcome to Richmond Elementary School District Business Services. The District operates a total budget of approximately $3,000,000 and follows a single-budget adoption process.  This requires school districts to conduct a public hearing and a adopt a final budget by July 1 of each year.  The budget process also requires the District to submit two interim reports to the Board of Trustees of the District.  The first and second interim reports cover the financial and budgetary status for the periods ending October 31 and January 31 respectively.
The district operates a variety of funds to include the following:  General Fund, Cafeteria, Deferred Maintenance Fund, Special Reserve Fund, Capital Facilities Funds, Special Reserve Fund for Capital Outlay Projects.
A variety of instructional, education and general support programs are included in the General Fund.  Categorical projects funded by Federal, State, County and Local sources are also included in reporting in this fund.  The majority of the funding for the General Fund is received from Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funds (state and local tax dollars) based on student attendance and unduplicated pupil percentage.  These funds are defined in the unrestricted General Fund.  The restricted General fund receives funding from the State for Special Education.  Restricted Funds also consists of federal funding for Title II, Part A, REAP, and various categorical programs.  Addition funding for the General Fund comes from other sources as Forest Reserves and Lottery.
The Cafeteria fund is a restricted fund.  All Federal, State, and Local revenues, payments, and program reimbursement received under the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs must be deposited in the cafeteria fund and the funds are required to be used for the operation and/or improvement of the school service program for children.
The remaining funds operated by the district are utilized to maintain and provide for school faciltities.  These fund provide for construction, modernization, and improvement of school faciltities.  

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